Sunday, August 26, 2012

Egg 'McMuffins'

Homemade Egg, Cheese, Candian Bacon and English Muffins!

Our mornings, like everyone else’s, are so rushed I normally default to a Luna Bar or sometime…drive thru (eek, I know!) for breakfast.  While searching Pinterest for recipe ideas I came across several for an imitation egg mcmuffin and though about what a great idea it would be to make a batch of these, freeze them and have them at hand when the idea of another Luna Bar for breakfast doesn’t cut it.

Another great perk of this handy, delicious sandwich….they are right at 300 calories each and nothing is fried!

Okay…on to the recipe.  You will need eggs, cheese slices, Canadian bacon (already cooked) slices and butter.  First, I cracked the eggs into a greased muffin tin.  I baked them at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.

While the eggs are baking I cut the English muffins in half and put them in the oven to toast for 10 minutes.

When the muffins were done toasting, I buttered the top half and assembled;  bottom of muffin, two slices Canadian bacon, one slice of cheese, an egg ‘cup’ and the other slice of muffin.  Yum!

For the muffins I want to freeze (yes, I ate one for breakfast this morning once they were done), I let them cool completely once assembled.  When completely cooled, I put the tray in the freezer for one to two hours.  Then I take them out of the freezer, wrap individually in plastic wrap and place in a freezer safe bag.  

When you want one to eat, simply take it out of the freezer, remove plastic wrap and microwave for 60 seconds.


Egg ‘McMuffins’

6 English Muffins (I used whole wheat)
6 eggs
6 Slices of American cheese
2 packages pre-cooked Canadian Bacon
Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease muffin tin with non-stick spray.  Crack one egg in each muffin cup.  Bake for 15 minutes.  Cut each English Muffin in half.  Place on cookie sheet and put in oven to toast with eggs.

When muffins are done toasting, butter top of muffin.  Place two slices Candian Bacon and one slice of cheese on bottom muffin.

When eggs are done, let cool for 5 minutes.  Take a sharp knife and run it along the sides of the cup to loosen from tin.  Pop the egg out and place on top of cheese slice.  Top the egg with the muffin top.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mini Corndogs

Mini Corndogs!

Okay, so first I want to apologize for the amount of time since my last post.  My day job is in higher education and as anyone remotely involved in education realizes, August is the busiest time of the year.  This also has inspired me to develop a more comprehensive recipe collection of freezer meals…stay tuned…I promise I have plans for a series of posts about freezer cooking.

Now…on to today’s creation.  In my house, we LOVE hotdogs!  We love them so much that I don’t keep any in the house for fear that the ease of preparation would make this tube of meat our dinner every night!  (I know…it’s bad).  One of my main concerns is the amount of sodium in these little bits of meat-as well as the obvious calorie concern.  Although I want to make sure we don’t eat them every night, I don’t mind Kate enjoying them in moderation (as long as it is the right hotdog and right coating).   So…in an effort to make a freezer-friendly, gluten free, toddler size meal I married a couple recipes I have together and created this…a mini corndog-esque dinner.

To start, all you need is Bisquick (gluten free if you are like me), all beef Hebrew National hotdogs without any fillers or preservatives, milk and eggs.

In a bowl, whisk together the Bisquick, milk and eggs.

Cut up the hotdogs.  As you see I made mine toddler size- cut in half length-wise and then again into bite-sized pieces.

Grease a muffin tin.  Add the hotdog slices and then the Bisquick mix.

Bake for 30 minutes.  Let cool for 5 minutes and then remove.  I let mine cool completely on a plate and then wrap in plastic wrap and place in a freezer bag.  When ready to serve, remove from plastic and microwave for 60 seconds. (Kate likes hers with ketchup for dipping!)

Toddler approved!


Mini Corndogs

½ cup Gluten-Free Bisquick
½ cup Milk
2 eggs
3 All Beef Hebrew Nation hotdogs

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Grease muffin tin with non-stick spray.  Whisk together Bisquick, milk and eggs.  On a separate surface, cut the hotdogs lengthwise and then again into bit-sized pieces.  Put several pieces of hotdog in each muffin tin.  Spoon Bisquick mix over hotdogs.  Bake for 30 minutes.  Cool for 5 minutes and remove from tins.