Saturday, September 8, 2012

Freezer Meals 1 & 2

As promised…drumroll please….here is my first freezer meal post!  To give you a little insight into preparation I will start with my process of idea/recipe discovery and walk you through actually freezing the meal.

I usually prepare my family’s freezer meals for two weeks at a time on a weekend day during Kate’s naps.  Thursday night I went through my recipe collection (paper copy and Pinterest board) and made a list of the meals I wanted to prepare.  I normally try to incorporate at least one new recipe each session.  Then I created a shopping list of items needed for these recipes, inventoried my current supply and then added the needed items to my grocery list.

Saturday morning miss Kate and I went grocery shopping and once we returned home with our food she was ready for a nap.  This created the perfect time to start assembling a few meals.

The new meal for this session is Pepper Steak.  (I found the recipe here: .  This blog author has a lot of great recipes! You will find I changed some of the recipe components to meet my family’s needs.) I am lucky enough to get homegrown beef from my grandpa’s farm.  We recently received a freezer full of beef and I was anxious to put some new cuts I ordered to work.  One of these new cuts is beef stew meat….the perfect meat for pepper steak.

In addition to beef, this recipe calls for green peppers, red peppers, onion, garlic powder, soy sauce, diced tomato and sugar.

The first thing I do is label the gallon sized freezer safe bags with the name of the meal, date and cooking directions.

Next, I slice the veggies and add the spices.

Lastly, I add the meat, make sure it is mixed well in the bag and seal it up.  I lay it flat in my freezer and it is ready to go.

Make sure to pull out of freezer and place in refrigerator to thaw approximately 24 hours prior to cooking.

The second freezer meal I made today was BBQ Chicken.  This is a veggie-laden, delicious dish that can be cooked in the crock pot or baked in the oven.  I won't release the recipe since it is from an eCookbook I purchased from the developer.  I highly recommend you check out the ecookbook at: .  Doesn't it look delish?!!


Pepper Steak

2 lbs. Beef Stew Meat
2 cans diced tomatoes
¼ cup soy sauce
2 tsp sugar
2 green peppers (sliced)
2 red peppers (sliced)
1 large onion (sliced)
Garlic Powder (to taste)

Split all items between two gallon sized freezer bags.  Seal bag and lay flat in freezer.

When ready to cook, place in slow cooker on low for 5-6 hours.  Serve with rice.

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